About Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk is a manga series that revolves around basketball. It was created by Takehiko Inoue and was published in Shueisha’s weekly magazine, “Weekly Shonen Jump,” from 1990 (Issue 42) to 1996 (Issue 27), spanning a total of 276 chapters. An anime adaptation of the series was produced in 1993. The story follows the protagonist, Hanamichi Sakuragi, who joins the high school basketball team after being approached https://anationofmoms.com/
by the heroine, Haruko. The manga primarily focuses on their youth and portrays a realistic depiction of basketball along with the determined endeavors of its characters.
The series garnered attention for its realistic portrayal of basketball and the earnestness of its characters. It became immensely popular in Japan, with a cumulative circulation of over 120 million copies. The anime adaptation of Slam Dunk, produced by Toei Animation, further fueled the series’ popularity. The appearance of the Kamakura High School station crossing near Shichirigahama and Enoshima in the anime became a pilgrimage site for many fans.
Opening Songs of Slam Dunk
Slam Dunk, the popular anime series, had two iconic opening songs throughout its 101 episodes. Let’s introduce these two opening songs.
BAAD – “Kimi ga Suki da to Sakebitai” (“I Want to Shout that I Love You”)
This song was the opening theme from the first episode to the 61st episode of Slam Dunk. It is performed by the rock band BAAD. According to the vocalist, Kyoji Yamada, he received an offer from Takehiko Inoue, the author of the Slam Dunk manga, to create a passionate and sweaty-themed song. The lyrics for the verses were quickly completed, but they struggled with the chorus. The director suggested putting more lyrics in the beginning of the chorus melody, and that’s how the lyrics for “Kimi ga Suki da to Sakebitai” were born.
This song was BAAD’s third single and was also used in the anime’s next episode previews. It became a hit and has remained one of the band’s most popular songs. Many fans associate this song with Sl