Top Tips for Mature Skin Recommended by Dermatologists

No matter what age, you can experience having a healthy, vibrant skin that would leave people wondering how “young” you are. Below are tips from dermatologists to patients with mature skin.

1.Wear sunscreen every day. Did you know that sunscreen does more than just prevent sunburn. The daily use of sunscreen can reduce aging signs such as age spots and fine lines. It can also significantly decrease the risk of developing skin cancer.

Newer sunscreens don’t have that sticky or gritty feeling anymore, and many products now feel comfortable under makeup.

Dermatologists recommend a sunscreen that offers:

· A Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 30

· Broad-spectrum protection (shields skin from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B
(UVB) rays)

2.Change your skin care products. Products that work well for teens and 20s may not be suitable to those in their 40s and 50s. Alcohol-based toners, deodorant soaps, and products with fragrance can leave mature skin feeling irritated and dry. People with mature skin often find that using mild, unscented products all year round helps their skin feel better.

3.Give your skin what it needs. The skin needs help to keep it looking healthy and vibrant as it ages. Products with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) remove the dead outer layers of skin, leaving your face with a fresh, younger appearance. Anti-oxidants also repair and prevent further skin damage. Ask your dermatologist if a cream or gel that contains tretinoin may be appropriate for you, that is if you want to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots

Trying out products can be just as bad for your skin as your wallet. Applying numerous products often irritates and damages the skin. If you are not sure what your skin needs, see a dermatologist.

4.If your skin feels dry, moisturize. Oil production in the skin diminishes upon reaching the age of 40, that’s why it’s important to moisturize if skin feels dry. After bathing is the best time to moisturize. If your skin still feels dry with regular moisturizing after bathing, apply moisturizer a few times throughout the day.

A good moisturizer can also reduce the appearance of fine lines and give your complexion a more youthful look. Some moisturizers also contain ingredients found in sunscreen that help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays.

5.Manage stress. Effectively manage stress to keep your skin looking its best. Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your skin. Cortisol or the stress hormone, which is caused by the body when it is stressed. Oil production increases, as cortisol levels rise. This can lead to oily skin, acne, and related skin problems.

Studies show that chronic stress can cause wounds to heal more slowly. Stress even increases the risk of developing skin cancer.

6.Avoid tanning beds and other artificial tanning devices. Tanning beds, sunlamps, a